A statement of fact

8 May 2022

US governmental processes are profoundly corrupt, endemically corrupt. The extent of this corruption has been growing for years. Voter fraud at the last US presidential election has resulted in a president in name only.

The federal government is utterly dysfunctional eg it has an economic system that has exhausted its financial trickery, has deliberately harmed its farming, has a grotesquely bloated yet incapable military, a media that serves to confuse, distort, deceive and coerce rather than enlighten and educate and alphabet agencies that operate with impunity and do not serve the public but exploit them and exploit entire nations.

They do the above with a pretence of honour, integrity, sound government and economic competence that are in reality entirely absent.

US decisions are based on ignorance and arrogance. They are an affront to decency and have systematically portrayed Russia as being an enemy, a nation, government and people to be distrusted and attacked. That process of attack has been implemented since 1991.

The US has been lying, cheating, manipulating, staging false flag events, overthrowing elected governments and using its absurd military as a protection racket around the world.

Central to the multiple staged events that are being perpetrated by the US and its agencies is the economy. Extreme borrowing and currency debasement is causing hyperinflation. Interest on debt, payments for government outgoings including the military, the welfare state, medical services, pensions are not matched by income from taxes. This shows the end of the current economic system is 2026. It is in this context that covid was staged to reduce the welfare, pension and medical payments.

The US has little productive industry.

Provoking war with Russia provides a justification for sanctions on oil and a sharp rise in fuel costs, that causes product price rises and is being used to mask the collapsing US economy.

Everything currently taking place in Ukraine is a result of US manipulation.

Stealing $300 billion of Russian funds exemplifies the willingness of the US government to cheat, lie and steal.

Those in the USA and its vassals who are provoking Russia and using Ukraine as a proxy to attack Russia are risking nuclear war and the end of life on earth.

These people are accountable for their actions, for the murder of elderly, for the destruction of their economies, for the hardship, losses, suffering and deaths they are intentionally causing.