The fictional massacre in Ukraine

5 April 2022

Those orchestrating the fictitious productions masquerading as facts are playing with fire.

The US and its associates are creating multiple propaganda films that are fictional productions. Four of them use the same set for different stories with different characters. The most recent of these productions portraying an attack on civilians in Bucha, is produced to the standards of a commercial movie. Like the other four, when examined, it can be seen to be a film production.

By contrast the on the ground video reports by Patrick Lancaster are entirely authentic. These show what is actually happening.

These fictional productions have the potential to be extremely dangerous. They are intended to spread a belief that Russian troops have intentionally killed civilians which is the exact opposite of their actions. Throughout the intervention they have been careful to avoid civilians and civilian infrastructure. If these fictional presentations are successful they will create a widespread belief of atrocities that have not occurred and feed the political agenda that wants to harm Russia and Russians, potentially causing a much wider conflict.

It is therefore important that these productions are treated as the fictions they are and not given credence.

It is indicative of intent to deceive that the UK who currently chair the UN Security Council refused a Russian request to have an examination of the evidence.

In addition to obvious inconsistencies there are technical aspects from a commercial film production perspective that show it to be a staged event.

In all false flag events the narrative is stated immediately and repeatedly thereby positioning the story for mass media and the public before any examination of facts can be made. The 'babies thrown out of incubators' narrative was instrumental in the NATO destruction in Iraq. Similarly this Bucha narrative is being used as a pretext to intensify anti Russian sentiment.