Germany has bitten the hand that fed it and is now on course for collapse
4 April 2022 Without Russian gas Germany will have electricity shortages, its industry will stop production, the economy will collapse and the nation will be in crisis. That could lead to the end of the EU. Germany is dependent on Russian gas. The German willingness to comply with Washington's agenda is likely to cause it enormous losses. Having shown that it is unfriendly to Russia and refuses to pay for the gas on which it is dependent, in roubles, Gazprom has severed the voluntary association it had with its subsidiary Gazprom Germania thereby leaving no contract against which Germany can expect Russian gas. Germany has set its face against Russia, bitten the hand that fed it, kept it warm and clothed it. Through its own actions it now finds it has no gas or food from Russia. Its ungrateful and unfriendly behaviour is poised to result in its industry closing, economy crashing, shelves being empty and people suffering. Any attempt to obtain a new contract for gas will be on Russian terms and not at the discounted rate previously in place. German willness to be a compliant vassle may come at great cost.