HUGE MEXICO ECONOMY UPDATE Straight from a Government statement, of a type which is not issued often: All Mexican made products are for the most part going to stay the same, HOWEVER, wheat based products are going to skyrocket in price. This is because Mexico was importing large amounts of wheat from Ukraine and that has stopped. Additionally, many countries are holding onto resources which is causing a wheat shortage because Mexico does not grow a lot of wheat. Mexico's gas prices have been kept stable because Obrador is tapping reserves to keep the prices down. Mexico is therefore an anomaly on the world stage where despite importing a lot of gas, the prices are stable. Historically Mexico's gas prices have been incrementally (not exponentially) higher than elsewhere and now the people are getting that returned to them by the fact that the gas prices are normal. So that's very good governance. VERY GOOD: Mexico has one of the world's top 15 economies while having a relatively small population in relation to economic output. (In other words, Mexico does extremely well economically when it comes to production) and as a result, there will be NO corn shortages, NO beef shortages, NO egg shortages, NO SHORTAGES OF ANYTHING that are not tied to wheat prices. Even pineapple and rice are going to stay the same because it is all made in Mexico. Even cars are going to do ok because so many are made here, though for the moment used car values have gone to the moon because America is still taking Mexican production. The bottom line is that thanks to Obrador not being the enemy of the people the way Biden is, Mexico's going to do OK. America could too if the entirety of the American government was not actively seeking to destroy America. THE PROBLEMS IN AMERICA ARE FAKE AND CAUSED. Mexico is proving it!!! I was baffled by all the people on social media saying how bad things were getting because I was not seeing it. And that was because Mexico is an isolated pocket of normalcy, possibly the last decent place left on earth. It really is "business as usual" here. How lucky Mexico was to avoid the vote rig and get Obrador right when he was needed most. I suspect the prior election was stolen from him and if so, it was a good thing because Mexico has one term presidents and it caused him to serve his term at the most critical possible moment. As far as I see it, Mexico's doomsday clock is set to go off at the end of Obrador's term. |
28 March 2022