New Narrative, Same Objectives
30 March 2022 The world has seen concerted denial of reality and suspension of critical analysis, the propagation of absurd covid narratives and the staged events associated with them. Central to this are increments towards implementing the many agenda of the WEF and Agenda 2030 and imposing digital currency, digital passports and totalitarian oppression. People in large part believed those absurd narratives and complied with them. The narrative served to obscure the economic collapse that is taking place in the west, particularly the USA and provide a cover story that deflects attention from those who are responsible for those economies and that economic system. People increasingly became aware that they were being deceived, that their medical services had intentionally failed them and that their governments could not be trusted. The narrative had to change. Ukraine is providing the next deflection. Those nations that can collectively be called the Empire of Lies, central to which is the USA, did nothing to prevent the bombardment of communities in eastern Ukraine or the routine slaughter of thousands of ethnic Russians who lived there in the eight years following the Maidan riots that the Empire of Lies had orchestrated. Yet when Russia intervened to protect them and prevent other plans being implemented eg Ukraine becoming a NATO member, having nuclear weapons aimed at Russia installed in Ukraine and a large military attack to inflict massive damage to Donetsk and Luhansk, the west's propaganda intensified against Russia and Russians with the same unified enthusiasm as it had staged the entire covid event. Logic and facts became irrelevant. The narrative was to mock, denigrate and harm Russia, the Russian economy and Russians including stealing private property and seizing national assets. This has served as a context to maintain, extend and develop the same agenda put in motion with covid ie that of the WEF, Agenda 2030 and similar. They are using deception to deprive citizens of abundant and inexpensive gas and oil and thereby met their objectives as defined by the WEF and Agenda 2030. Just as many people turned on their tvs and believed the propaganda they were being given about covid, now they turn on their tvs and believe the propaganda they are being given about why their gas supplies, electricity supplies, manufacturing costs, services and products in general are all going to cost much more. This is to deflect attention from the millions of deaths that will occur as result of covid injections and provide a narrative for the economic collapse that is taking place that will result in deprivation, hardship, debt, fear, hunger and compliance. Debt, fear, hunger and compliance in preparation for the solutions they will coerce people to accept that will come in the form of digital IDs, digital currency, debt cancellation, universal basic income, totalitarian control and transhumanism. |