Potassium Iodide for emergency use in nuclear attack
In the event of a nuclear event taking high amounts of potassium iodide satisfies the thyroid's need for iodine and prevents it taking up radioactive iodine. 130mg potassium iodide per day only during radioactive emergency is the standard recommendation for adults. If exposed to nuclear radiation it is critically important to take potassium iodide immediately as its protection to the thyroid rapidly diminishes if taking it is delayed. The following two products appear identical and are described as providing 65mg potassium iodide per tablet. This product provides a 45 day supply for one adult. £9.99 and £4.99 delivery. This product provides a 30 day supply for one adult. £14.99 and £2.99 delivery. Take two tablets per day starting 24 hours before or immediately after a nuclear event. These products provide much greater amounts of iodine than a regular iodine supplement and are only for emergency use. Clinical information about potassium iodide is here. This shows the amount recommended by age group and other information. |