Optimal Nutrition:  Template


When you have an optimal intake of selenium, zinc, vitamins K, C, A and E from the foods shown you will be getting optimal levels of iron, magnesium and calcium.

The foods in the following template give an excellent nutrient yield and provide target values of the nutrients shown in the Optimal Nutrition resources.

grams   oz
Vitamin K
kale or
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Vitamin E
sunflower seeds and
cashews and
bread and

cooked weight of any combination of chickpeas, lentils and or
whole wheat pasta
   100 * *
150 *

250 *

brazil nuts
2 nuts
Omega 3 oil
linseed oil

* weight uncooked
* These amounts provide optimal intake values of zinc. Larger amounts of these foods will not cause a nutritional imbalance.

Having a variety of nutritious and delicious foods is attractive and healthy. The above foods are excellent sources of nutrients that combine well to deliver target values.

Onion and garlic support for the body's production of glutathione. They are more nutritious when uncooked.

Orange peppers are exceptional in that they have a high yield of zeaxanthin that supports eye health.

Coconut oil is healthy and can be used for spreading and cooking.

Olive oil yields vitamin E but not zinc, magnesium, calcium or iron and can therefore contribute to vitamin E intake without affecting the amount of those minerals obtained from other foods. Its nutrients are reduced if it is heated.

The linseed oil from Flax Farm is high quality, delicious, nutritious and organic. Their
6 x 500ml bottle offer is the most economical way to buy it. This is sensitive oil that needs to be kept in a fridge and enjoyed cold.

Pineapples have the particular benefits of bromelian.

Nutrients are usually better obtained from food than supplements, however supplements are useful sources of vitamin D, vitamin B12 and iodine. In addition to a vitamin B12 supplement you may like to take a multi B supplement.

Having a vitamin D supplement is beneficial for everyone during times when they do not expose their skin to the sun. Adequate vitamin D prevents colds and flu.

When taking vitamin D supplements there is a specific benefit in having an optimal intake of vitamin K.

The 150ug iodine supplement shown is in the form of potassium iodide that enables each pill to contain an accurate amount unlike supplements that are made from seaweed that can vary in their iodine content.
