RUSSIA HAS BEEN SEEN MOVING IT'S DRIVEABLE ICBM LAUNCHERS DOWN PUBLIC ROADS Power stations around Ukraine are now being either destroyed or taken offline to goad NATO into attacking Russia. FACT: IF IT WAS RUSSIA DOING THAT, THEY WOULD HAVE HAD ALL THE POWER IN UKRAINE KNOCKED OUT IN THE FIRST 40 MINUTES. NATO HAS DEPLOYED 3 STRIKE CARRIER GROUPS Merchant ships are being attacked in the Black Sea. RUSSIA IS ABOUT TO BE BANNED FROM SWIFT. Putin said he would consider that to be the same as a nuclear strike. In response, Russia increased the amount of cash issued to banks so their ATMs don't go empty even if there is a bank run. NATO HAS ACTIVATED IT'S VERY HIGH READINESS JOINT TASK FORCE. Russia has conducted an amphibious assault on the Sea of Azov and has landed thousands of troops. Russia appears to be wiping out Ukraine with only 1/3 of committed forces. Forces committed to this battle, not the entire Russian military. OFFICIAL: The Council of Europe has suspended the Russian Federation from it's rights of representation in the Committee of Ministers and in the Parliamentary Assembly with immediate effect. Russia has apparently gained control of the sky in Kyiv, where they shot down a Ukranian SU-27. Taiwan is supporting Russia sanctions. Ukraine completely took Hostomel airport back. |