US attacks rivals

6 October 2022

The US and its NATO vassals are using Ukraine as a proxy to attack Russia.

Britain and European NATO member nations have attempted to destroy the Russian economy by applying various sanctions including stealing $280 billion, seizing property belonging to Russians and refusing to buy Russian gas, oil and coal despite being dependent on them.

Germany refused to accept Russian gas through Nord Stream 2 pipeline that was brand new, fully operational and pressurised ready for use. The German people demanded their government accept Russian gas. The following day, 26 September 2022, the US attacked Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2.

This met two US objectives. It obstructs trade and alliances from developing between Russia and Germany and it is destroying European industries and economies, particularly German.

The US have a track record of indirectly attacking any nation that they view as being a rival or near rival. Russia is a rival. China is a rival. Europe was a rival. Without Russian gas Europe is no longer a rival.

The Russians knew what was being done and robustly prepared for it. They are largely unaffected by the economic warfare conducted by NATO nations against them. These economic attacks have not harmed the Russian economy but are doing immense harm to the British and European economies.

For Europe this refusal to buy Russian gas, oil and coal is resulting in their industries closing and economies collapsing. In the UK people are only able to afford to heat their homes because the UK government is subsidising gas and electricity. To do this they are debasing the currency that will cause prices to rise on all products and services.

The US made sure that Europe would be without adequate gas by attacking Nord Stream pipelines. Despite this, European nations and the UK appear undeterred from continuing to support the US' proxy war on Russia.

The British could have North Sea gas but their government is decommissioning the North Sea oil and gas facilities, thereby wilfully causing their industries to close and economy to collapse.

Europe is reported to be buying Russian oil from third party nations eg China at higher prices than they would have paid had they bought it directly from Russia. They will soon be paying more for that oil as on 5 October 2022 OPEC+ agreed to reduce oil extraction by two million barrels a day that will cause the spot price of oil to increase.