CHINESE JET WAS REMOTE HIJACK CRASHED THE UNITED STATES REMOTE HIJACKED A CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES BOEING 737 AND FLEW IT VERTICALLY INTO THE GROUND The Chinese jet had a Chinese spy aboard that had the goods on Rep Swalwell D-California and a huge pile of other American politicians and America remote crashed it for that reason. The plane had to have been perfectly intact with no problems to hold together at that speed. This is clear. View it full screen. The United States probably figured there would not be such clear video. This is going to screw the United States out of being able to claim it is a "boeing 737 problem" but they will probably try, even though it was not this model of 737 that had problems. MY GUESS: Chinese cutie pie probably threatened the wrong people in the U.S. government now that people are waking up. THE PLANE WAS NOT A 737 MAX 8 THAT HAD PROBLEMS. IT WAS A MODEL THAT HAS BEEN AROUND SINCE 1994. They used the same remote hijack system that was used with the 911 planes. The United States is the only country that has the Boeing codes and someone did this. The hijack was unexpectedly caught on a very clear CCTV system, the plane was going far in excess of the sound barrier, my guess is mach 1.7 which a Boeing jet will do in a dive if you don't intend to fly it. Remote hijack capabilities were put in all boeing planes after 1983 to make it impossible for terrorists to hijack the planes. But that won't stop a corrupt government with a child molesting presidential family from using it during a war. CHINA, IT LOOKS LIKE THE UNITED STATES DID THIS. THERE IS YOUR WAR. Yes, this happened hours after China did not bow down to Washington, and Washington subsequently banned and blacklisted Chinese diplomats from travel. I knew about that system the entire time I was in the ___ but stupidly believed it "made the world a better place". Without any hesitation whatsoever I will openly declare that was a remote hijack, they cannot blame the plane for that but they will probably try. REALITY: Gaze upon the new face of high tech warfare, that is exactly what it looks like and it is possible with any Boeing plane introduced after 1983. |
22 March 2022