Attacks on Yenerhodar Nuclear Power Plant, near Zaporozhya

8 August 2022

The city of Zaporozhye is associated with the largest nuclear power station in Europe. The power station is at Yenerhodar, 33 miles SW from Zaporozhya. Yenerhodar is on the south bank of the Dnieper river.

A line on a map would show a distance of 350 miles between Odessa and Donetsk. Yenerhodar is on that line, 200 miles east of Odessa.

In acts of extreme and reckless stupidity the Ukrainian army has been shelling Yenerhodar from Nikopol that is 12 miles away on the north bank of the Dnieper river.

The outcome could be catastrophic. In addition to being the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, there are many tons of plutonium and enriched uranium stored at the plant.

The head of the IAEA is aware of the plutonium and enriched uranium at the plant and has spoken publicly about this. The attacks on the Yenerhodar power station have been made repeatedly since March and particularly in July and August 2022.

Despite the terrible potential consequences of these attacks the west is silent about them and fails to report what is happening, has done nothing to prevent a disaster there and continues to supply weapons to Ukraine.

The Nuclear Energy Agency, based in France, as at 7 August 2022 has expressed no concern as shown by this report.

If Ukraine were repeatedly firing missiles at nuclear reactors in France from a distance of 12 miles, the French would be more exercised, would be making impassioned representations and taking direct action to prevent further attacks. Similarly if nuclear reactors in the US were being shelled, immediate action would be taken to prevent harm being done.

Neither France, the US nor any other NATO nations are taking any actions to prevent what could be a terrible disaster because that territory will be Russian.

Their contemptible silence, continued supply of weapons to Ukraine and utter failure to prevent further attacks by Ukraine signal tacit support for these attacks and the consequences that could occur, that they do not wish to prevent a major nuclear disaster from taking place when it is in Russia. That is the measure of these despicable people.

This is consistent with the actions they are taking to harm Russia, kill Russians and destroy the Russian economy.

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